Yesterday we finally got 'Oliver's blastpipe assembly off. This was not as easy as it should have been, and took about a day and a half in the end. Eventually, it turned out that one of the studs had sheared, and we had to burn it out in order to release it. All the time you have to bear in mind the relative fragility of castings, and the expense of pattern-making and casting of a replacement - not to mention the fact that the engine won't work without it!

Over time, hot oil from the cylinders builds up and bakes onto the inside of the blastpipe, and in the time 'Oliver' has been back in action, it had built up to the point where it was potentially causing excess back-pressure. To avoid the grot off the inside of the blastpipe going down into, and damaging, the pistons, the blastpipe has to be removed in order to chip it off.

Some time with the whirly wheel on the angle grinder cleaned up the outside of the casting, too - including the all-important flange faces, so it re-seats nicely.

Jointing is pliable but reasonably easily torn. You can cut it with a knife, but on a heavy duty joint like this one, I tend to do it with a hammer. First, you stick bolts, the same diameter as the studs on which the casting sits, through the holes, to keep the sheet in registration.

I suppose I may as well leave little tips like this on here for you to find in the future. Whilst I would sooner teach you face to face, that is no excuse for me to fail to provide the instruction a father gives his son.
Meantime, 'Oliver' will be back in action next weekend, and out on the main line again soon.
That's the first weekend I've spent at the engine shed for a very, very long time, and the exercise (in both senses of the word!) has done me good. Nose back to the grindstone today, and, speaking of chipping away at greasy filth, responding amongst other things to the CSA...
Love from Daddy
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